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Sleep Trainer Vancouver
When sleep deprivation pushes us to our breaking point, sometimes all you want to know is you're not the only one. As your pediatric sleep consultant and baby sleep training coach, I've got sleep solutions for babies right here. Take a read!
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actionable steps to have your baby sleeping better tonight.
May 7, 20243 min read
Baby Won't go Down Drowsy But Awake
Just about every sleep book on the market talks about the word “drowsy.” If we're working with newborns, for example, many books state...

Nov 28, 20232 min read
Managing Teething and My Baby's Sleep
If you start to see a sleep regression, baby is suddenly waking up crying two or three times a night, naturally, you’re going to look for...

Feb 14, 20233 min read
Why Baby Wakes an Hour After Bedtime. All About False Starts
Unless you’re very lucky, I mean exceptionally lucky, you’ve experienced one of the false starts firsthand. You put your little one down...

Jul 19, 20224 min read
Developmental Milestones Impact on Sleep
As a mother myself, as well as a sleep consultant who has met parents of babies and toddlers from across the globe, I’ve come to the...

Jul 5, 20224 min read
Don't Let Your Child's Sleep Unravel Over Summer Holidays
There are two major impediments to your little one’s sleep over summer holidays: travel and family-friends....

Apr 12, 20224 min read
8 Tips for Easing Separation Anxiety
Nothing is going to prevent your child from getting a little bit upset when you leave, but you can definitely keep the fuss to a minimum....

Feb 1, 20222 min read
Two Most Overlooked Developmental Milestones
Developmental milestones frequently become a full blown regression due to inconsistency of the parent's responses. Developmental...

Jan 5, 20222 min read
All The Sudden My Baby Started Hating the Crib
Is there a such thing as crib regression? There certainly is. What Is Crib Regression? Is there a such thing as crib regression? There...

Nov 16, 20212 min read
Safety When Baby Starts to Roll
As early as 3 months, your baby may start rolling over and practice these new moves day and night! Yes, exciting time, but also sleep...

Aug 24, 20213 min read
Secret to Preventing Sleep Regressions
Every 4-6 weeks, expect some sort of developmental milestone maybe it cognitive or motor. And yes, that means temporary sleep regressions...

Aug 10, 20214 min read
Baby Won't Lie Down at Bedtime
When you’ve only been around for nine or ten months, it might not seem so intuitive, so again, patience mama! Remember, even though it...

Jun 29, 20214 min read
Baby Sleep Tips for Grandpa and Grandma
Baby Sleeping at Grandma and Grandpa's After working working with parents who realize that their baby has slept through the night, and is...

Dec 23, 20203 min read
Baby Sleep Cycle Science
...a baby's nap continues to be be short and stays at 45 minutes if they cannot link to another sleep cycle. Sleep props (ie. pacifiers,...

Dec 20, 20203 min read
When to Transition to A Toddler Bed
One of the biggest reasons and MISTAKES I see for parents moving their kids to a big kid bed, is because they’re hoping it will solve...

Oct 22, 20203 min read
Troubleshooting the 4 Month Regression
When it comes to the four month “progression,” I’m happy to report that this is a one-time thing. 4-Month Sleep Regressions At around...

Oct 15, 20203 min read
Does the Four Month Sleep Regression Really Exist?
the 4-month sleep regression, everybody agrees on, and for good reason, is the real deal, and it’s permanent. 4-Month Sleep Regression:...

Oct 8, 20204 min read
Why does my baby wake up at 3:00A.M.?
That right there might be the single most common question new parents ask. Is it a developmental milestone? A regression? Are they...

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