
Jan 301 min

Best Newborn Burping Techniques

Step by step overview of the best techniques used to help baby burp after a feed

Newborns are notoriously susceptible to gas trap. The issue is that it can cause a lot of colic-like symptoms and makes sleeping that much harder. With the frequency newborns feed at during the day and night, it means you're going to have to get real good at helping your baby burp baby real fast. Releasing the gas trapped in your baby's belly will release the discomfort they feel so that they settle that much easier to sleep. Here's a video that goes over techniques that are helpful in helping baby burp.

Pro tip

So you've tried the above techniques but still no luck. I've got you covered. Give this expert burping tip a try!

If you find yourself still struggling, remember, I offer a FREE 15-minute sleep assessment to discuss your struggles and help you determine if you need just a tweak or if my professional baby sleep coaching is in better alignment with your needs. Reserve your today to hear how I work 1-1 with families to get better sleep. Subscribe to my newsletter and receive free sleep solutions bundle for more help.
